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Sunday - Bible Study - 9:15AM; Worship Service - 10:30AM | Wednesday - 6:30PM - All Church Prayer; 7PM Small Groups

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Love Conquers All

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



It is with tender loving care that we hold one another close to us.  We must love one another, by this direct action it demonstrates that we follow the Lord Jesus Christ.  It also shows that we have communion with God.  We cannot hate our brother who we have seen and love God whom we have not seen.  Whoever loves God should love his brother also.

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Happiness is Conditional

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



Happiness depends on certain conditions to bring this feeling into reality.  Usually something  good has to come about for happiness to exist.  If the weather is good and the sun is shining, it brings about a good feeling and we are happy about the good weather.  If the weather is bad and it’s raining and we cannot go out and do things we would like to do, we would not be in a good mood and we would be unhappy.  Happiness depends on circumstances.  The temporary condition

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Tradition and Condition

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



Our churches have been steeped in the throws of Tradition and Condition … doing things the way we used to do it.  Times and people have changed.  We don’t do church the same way we used to, we don’t sing songs the way we used to.  The challenges of this generation are more complex and intense than it was before.  Not only are we combating evil forces, but we are fighting to preserve Christian standards.  

I’m of the opinion that if God chooses to reveal Himself to us in a d

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Grace and Mercy

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



We need both from God.  Grace is the act of giving us something that we do not deserve.  We all would like to go to heaven, but under our own merit we do not deserve to go there.  As good as we are and think we are, there is nothing we can do to deserve God’s goodness.  

Isaiah 64:6 says, our righteous are as filthy rags.  As good as we are, we are not good enough for God.  This is why God has given us Grace.  Grace is giving us what we don’t deserve.  God  gives us unmerit

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Trusting God in times of Trouble

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



What is Hope … it is an intangible substance that has a substantial foundation.  When we are experiencing difficult times, and things are not going the way we would want them to.  We must have Hope.  Hope will give us a positive outlook on our situation.  This is the time we would look into the darkness of our souls of despair knowing that brighter days are coming.  We should never give up when we are being attacked on all sides, and the winds and current seem so fierce.  

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We Seek His Kingdom …

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



We are living in times where things are not going in the direction we would hope.  This direction is filled with uncertainty and fear.  We may not understand or even know how to deal with the rising tide, but we must know who is in charge.  Matthew 6:33 nkjv… says … But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  We are to strive for Spiritual wisdom and walk in a way that would move us closer to Jesus.  We shouldn’t wo

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Put Your Trust in God

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



During some of the darkest times in life we seem to focus on what God is not doing in our lives, rather than what He is doing.  We tend to focus on the darkness rather than hope through the darkness.  We must have hope in the darkness.

When things come against us beyond our control, and we wonder where God is, hope is the answer through difficult times.  The pain of despair is running rampant through our minds, but we must remember that the race is not won by the swift or t

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United in Christ

by: Pastor Clay Jackson



This is Pastor Clay … We are approaching a critical time in our nation’s history.  It is imperative to make your voices heard.  You must vote your choice on whom you think that would best support your beliefs.  Men and women have fought and died for the right to vote, understand the issues and most importantly, choose who you think would best serve to lead this country.  

Even though there are many different Races and cultural differences in this nation, we should be one Un

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